Views of the exhibition " Underground - Germany is not built on sand“

The exhibition opened on 27 January 2009.
You can see the first sections.

- Approach
- Behind the Paulskirche - Braubachstraße - Battonnstraße - NeuerBörneplatz
Cental way
Side way I
Side way II

The next sections (see roadmap), will be built up to 14th of august 2009. Then you can see them on the web.


Press pictures

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to the entrance -----

Invitation to the exhibition

Dedicated to the press and the friends of art

I`d appreciate the spreading of this text refering to the exhibition: " Underground - Germany is not built on sand.

Opening of the exhibition: 27th of january 2009. Underground is the place of the excluded- Underground is the place of the new.

Art politics show few interest in art. The power of the responsible persons excludes, the art is supressed, outsourced from the
area of communication, the public, the discourses. The covering of the art is within the interest of the art politics. The only
interest of the responsible people is to fill art covering with terms they can use.
The power of art politics seeks absolute ideological control of the phenomena of the
art. Not only the covering of the art must be usable, but also the covering of the
artist. And what is valid for the art and the art politics, is also true to all other
ranges of culture, society and politics.
Underground therefore is the area of the excluded.

Underground is the place of the new. My exhibition „ Underground -
Germany is not built on sand“ is an experiment, which aims on the reversal of
this process of exclusion. It is an attack of the art against the power of the responsible persons. Beyond all art politics, beyond all
dependences, the exhibition covers the only obligatory terms of social conditions:
the force, force conditions and especially the force conditions in Germany. The exhibition „Underground - Germany is not built on sand“ carries the sub-title: please take the side entrance on the left behind the
Paulskirche, thanks.

Bernd Rausch