Contact: Bernd Rausch
Invitation to the picture project "Deutsches Menscheitsverbrechen" (This means: "German Humanity Crime", the term is ambigous, please read the text.)
Partners and supporters wanted.


Invitation to the exhibition Frankfurt Auschwitz, Paulskirche,
Frankfurt/ Main, Germany, January 27 - February 23 2011

To the overall issue: crime against humanity

Picture Title German crimes against humanity - picture: Bernd Rausch

This monument is a stronghold in order to impede the relativization of nationalsocialist barbarism. It is unbearable to watch the redirection and redefinition - and the step by step extenuation of the german Menschheitsverbrechen, the state crime against humanity. And this spirit of playing down manifests in the central memorial, named Neue Wache.

Contrary to the relativization of the German Menschheitsverbrechen by the Federal Republic of Germany

Trivializing the nationalsocialist crimes and atrocities, that are still in centre of german politics, is brought in many ways into all layers of the german society, where it works on. So the roles of then offenders are transformed and redefined to describe them as victims (of time, regime, whatsoever), actively driven are these actions with help of the federation of expellees (although there are only a few expellees living today, the number of members is about 25.000 - or as some claim: up to 2.000.000) and their revanchist centre in Berlin. Or the cult based on the bombing raids on Dresden in 1945 - these terrors are exploited to carry pseudohistorical explanations, more often. Or the conflict arising from the dark manipulations by the Stiftung Sächsische Gedenkstätten who wants to establish an equal status of nazi crimes and individual crimes committed after 1945.

The Neue Wache (New Guard House) can be regarded in several ways - but
not as a memorial for the victims of nationalsocialist annihilation. The neoclassicistic building by Schinkel, once purpoise-built for the troops of the crown prince of Prussia, had been used as a memorial of imperialistic wars during the Kaiserreich (until November 1918), was used as a militaristic cenotaph to the death toll in the Great War. In the times of the nazi regime it became Reichsehrenmal and was used for political-military stagings. Had even function in the times of socialist regime and after this has been awarded with a pseudohistorical layer, granted by chancellor Kohl. All this contributed to make the Neue Wache become a synonym showing the ingrained inability of the german state and the german society to deal and dispute this in a relevant, not just in a (dis)qualifying way. In 2969 the central committee of the GDR gave orders to bury the remains of one unidentified soldier and the remains of one unidentified victim of a concentration camp in the Neue Wache. At the entrance is written in
stone: "Both are surrounded by soil taken from the battlefields of the second world war und soil taken from the concentration camps." Did anyone asked the nazi victim if he or she wanted to be burried at the side of one of the regime's helper and maybe offender??

The extenuation of the annihilation of millions of human beings in
Europe by germans reaches another level of hardening on November 14, 1993, when the Neue Wache was promoted "central memorial of the FRG" for "the
victims caused by war and tyranny'. An oversized replication of Käthe Kollwitz's
sculpture 'Mother with her dead son' - a pietá theme, hinting at Mary
and the dead Jesus, had been placed.

This and the writing "for the victims of war and tyranny" shows the
allover perfect inability of the german state to produce a place of dignity and
as well distinction to remember of the reign of terror, annihilation and holocaust.
Remember and admonish of future dangers. Quite contrary to this! After the
germans (the majority is of christian beliefs) had killed or were the reason of
the unnatural deaths of 52.000.000 (that's 52 millions) people, including
the majority of European jews, 500.000 Roma and Sinti, they now managed to
raise a monument for themselves, without any indication of these things
that happened in concentration or industrial death camps. To completely
discredit the Neue Wache, and its said function, as a place of
remembrance and admonishing, they soften up and (dis)qualify the nazi crimes beyond any recognition, so neither guilt, nor responsibility is taken, when the
writing is read: "We think of all women and men, who had been persecuted
and killed, because they opposed totalitory tyranny after 1945."

This minimisation, extenuation and banalization of the nationalsocialism
and all themes anchored in it is mirrored in the policies of most fields
of state and society, for example in arts and the politics to it, if it comes to
Dresden in '45 it is always the bombing of the civilians a city crowded
with refugees and the cruelty from the skies - a singular occurence out
of time an space, not anymore settled in the wider frame that would show a
total war still raging and not yet ended.

This pseudohistorical elements in areas of state and society contributes
more to extenuation - down-playing - of the nationalsocialism, as those
openly acting neo-nazis or fashists ever could.

Bernd Rausch

English: Marcel Mack

The picture project 'Deutsches Menscheitsverbrechen"
Partners and supporters wanted

This picture project consists of nineteen large panels, in the
centre the holocaust, the slaughter in the concentration and
death camps. The millions of individual deaths when a german,
industrial scheme of obliteration, aimed at whole parts of the
population, hit Eastern Europe is another focus added in this.
The Porgrom in November 1938 is the start point in the first
picture, upper left. The liberation of the Auschwitz camp and
looking back on barbarity, lower right, contour the period
of this pictoral dispute.

The pictures come abstract. A concrete statement in texts
transports an image of the barbarity that went along with
annihilation. These texts shall be embedded in the panels.
The whole nineteen panels are made to carry the image and
the text informations. The obliteration of Roma and Sinti,
of homosexuals, of mentally ill, the many faces of extinction
in several countries: cruel slaughter, death and concentration
camps, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek,
Chelmno, Maly Trostinez, Bronnaja Gora, extinction by hard work,
extinction by famine, death by gas, mass executions in front of
the trenches who became mass graves and in uncounted places in
the then Soviet Union, Poland, Eastern Europe and elsewhere.
Only the center panel accounts the crime in numbers allocated
to places.

The picture project "Deutsches Menscheitsverbrechen" is composed
of nineteen panels that show a total picture of the extinction
and annihilation.

This project will only see realization, if I find partners - such
as assossiations and supporters. As supporting parties can act
foundations, societies, unions, institutions, museums, individuals etc.

To the texts for the images, in german or english:
I am thankfully looking forward to any recommendation
and advice of text and sources, that I can use.

To be able to continue the works on the picture project I need
support. This is due to the technical parts of the project - it
is planned to offer two views.

Is the project - the nineteen panels - looked at from a distance
of 10 ft. or more the text embedded is invisible. But the viewers
know about this layer in the "Deutsches Menschheitsverbrechen".
The reduction of distance is revealing the text.

To realize this in a worthwhile way, I have to experiment, a
certain amount of large-scaled test panels must be printed.
Expenses, costs and prices. Your donations will be appreciated.
Please send them to: Verein zur Förderung und Verbreitung von
Kultur, Kto. 0090014853, BLZ: 590 501 01, Sparkasse Saarbrücken, key word: Menschheitsverbrechen.
mail contact: ausstellung_art@gmx.de

The technical side of the picture project: 18 of the panels are
squares with a length of 80 cm. The central panel's measures
are 50 x 240 cm wxh. The size of the whole project: 554 x 248
cm wxh. Keeping the quality of the pictures the whole project
can be scaled, increased by 400%.

The panels of "Deutsches Menschheitsverbechen" have been created,
are grown, during a long-term controversal involvement in themes
as shoa, extinction of Roma and Sinti, and the whole lot of aspects
that are uncovered when you find out about this. The complete ex-
hibition will consist of the nineteen panels and seventeen large
pictures. Added to this the twenty pictures that are my part of
the exhibition Frankfurt - Auschwitz.

Bernd Rausch

English: Marcel Mack